Cranberry Gingersnap Pie

I really wish I’d taken pictures of my New Year’s Eve dinner. It was so good. Granted I’ve probably posted a ton of pictures of dinner at Epic Chophouse so I guess it’s not necessary. But look at all of the balloons!

It is part of the reason my pants are tight this week, though. And the rest of the holidays. I picked up my old habit of MyFitnessPal. What a wake up call. I haven’t met my goal yet (it’s been a day), but I have come way closer than I would on a regular day… I’m trying my best so far. Equally important, I’m also tracking my water and I’ve given myself a lofty daily goal. I’m mostly spending my day running to the bathroom to pee.

We meal prepped this week and again, it’s only been a day, but I stuck to it. I need to fit nicely in a bathing suit in March, so the goals are real. My boyfriend is probably already over my obsession with the gym… although 2017 kicked off that obsession so it’s been way more than a day for that.

I’ve also been expelling some creative energy between my planner and some fun new crafting goodies. Basically keeping it chill. With that in mind, I’d seen this beautiful pie on Pinterest that I’ve been dying to make for about a year. Why a year? It needs fresh cranberries and by the time I had found the recipe, I couldn’t find cranberries. So I held onto it and waited. I actually bought everything for it before Christmas, but I got sick and ran out of time. So here we are!

I pulled the recipe from here. It’s actually pretty simple! I assumed it would be ridiculously hard, but it didn’t take me as long as I thought it would.

I haven’t actually tried eating it yet, but I will! And the crust smelled amazing and the curd was delicious so I can’t imagine this going poorly.

Eat up, party people!

Happy 2018 ✌