Crewel Work

Ok so this will be a small post but I said I was going to make a post today and I don’t go back on my word. I have never tried Crewel work before but I have yarn I have a needle and I have the will to try so might as well.

You know what they say the first stitch is the hardest. :p

So I have chosen to do a small laced herringbone stitch pattern in a black and a blue yarn.

This is the end result of the herringbone stitches. I then went in with the blue and laced through the pattern which ended up looking like this.

I know it is small and not really impressive but it is something and it is a step to overcoming the inertia that I have been feeling weigh me down lately. It is also something I could get done in the limited time of a baby’s 20 minute nap.

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