Daily Tarot Readings: Day Forty-Five

Is it just me or is today turning out to be a weird day? We’re approaching a New Moon, so maybe that’s why. In any case, today’s reading took me a little more time than I’m accustomed to. This is the first deck that deviates a little bit from the standard suits. Somehow this never bothered me before, but I didn’t know then what I do now. Anyway, I think I got things figured out enough to go ahead with today’s reading. The card of  the day today is equivalent to the pentacles suit.

Eight of Stones

Interviewing Tarot: Wildwood Tarot 1. Introduction – Six of Arrows

Transition. This card is rooted in the element of air, and is also linked to that time period of Imbolc Ostara, and Beltane. In essence the card symbolizes a new phase of learning. Essentially, this is acceptance of change that isn’t looked forward to or necessarily dreaded. As a deck introduction this is pretty pessimistic. In a way though, I understand how transition is appropriate for this deck. I literally did get it as a transition type deck, but I didn’t know that at the time. I was studying Druids and Celtic Traditions then, and it seemed appropriate. The artwork seemed beautiful and on point at least.

2. Strengths – Seven of Bows

Clearance. This card is rooted in the element of fire, and is also linked to Summer encompassing Beltane, Midsummer, and Lughnasadh. I find this deck’s interpretation of the RWS 7 of Wands quite different. It’s symbolic of clearing away what’s needed for growth to occur. This isn’t the typical symbolism, but I can see how it applies to the deck itself. Readings with this deck are extremely, well, odd. The strength of this deck would appear to be pointing out what needs to be removed. Now I understand all those odd readings that felt uncomfortable.

3. Limitations – Eight of Vessels

Rebirth. This card is rooted in the element of water, and is also linked to a time period spanning Lughnasadh, Mabon, and Samhain. Suddenly, I understand how this deck seemed so pessimistic. There’s a disconnect between getting rid of the old, and then, celebrating the rebirth. The process isn’t quite embodied in the deck, and thus, it feels slightly negative. In a way, this isn’t too bad to work with. I did end up often pairing this deck with The Druid Animal Oracle. The two seemed to compliment each other well, so maybe they just add the necessary energy to get a complete rebirth cycle.

4. What Can I Learn From You – Three of Stones

Creativity. This card is rooted in the element of earth, and is also linked to Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc in phase of time. Right now, it’s easy for me to ask how I would need to learn creativity. The deck links creativity of course to spirituality, and the subconscious mind. But at the time, I really did need to learn this from the artwork and themes of this deck. Is it any surprise I would next order the Camelot Oracle and Arthurian Tarot? There was a creativity inspired by the artwork of the deck. Now though, I see it was also a spiritual link, a deepening of something rooted to the mystery of mysteries.

5. What Is The Best Way To Work With You – The Stag

Universal Balance. This card is rooted in Ostara, sharing it with the Archer. I find the themes of this deck for this particular card quite intriguing. For me, this was my first run in with the switching of Justice and Strength. I have to say, I understand the themes of Justice well in the Ostara season. It adds quite an interesting dynamic really. When considering the prior themes of rebirth for the deck, I can understand now how Justice plays a role in that. Work with the deck to best determine what I’ve attracted to me, what needs to be purged, and ultimately, thriving spirituality will follow.

6. Outcome – The Moon On Water

Gateway of the Soul. This card is rooted in Yule, and symbolizes the emotion and consciousness. Ultimately the meaning of this card is extremely clear in this deck in particular. The card is an initiator into the great mysteries, particularly those of the feminine. For me, this was extremely true in my journey with the deck. The artwork in particular, sparked an awareness of something more. I began to remember my intuition, and with it, ideas started to surface. This was the deck that showed me some mysteries have to be learned within rather than by study of  the outward.

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