DIY: The God Box

Have you ever gone to a store for one thing and came out with five extra things you didn’t expect to find? Me too. This book is one of those unexpected finds for me, and I’m so thankful it found me back. 

I went into Mardel, a local Christian and school supply store, earlier this summer to pick up a birthday present for a friend. I passed by the book section, and the $5 book sign caught my attention right away. I casually glanced through the books, looking for nothing in particular, when my eyes landed on this little blue book with an unusual name. 

The God Box 

The God Box by Mary Lou Quinlan is a story of a daughter remembering her mother’s faithfulness through her commitment to prayer. After Mary Lou’s mother passed away, she found a box filled with hundreds of prayers that belonged to her mother. She later found nine other boxes filled to the top with prayers requests to God that her mother wrote too. Her mother, Mary, would use any scrap of paper nearby to write prayer requests for her family, friends, or even complete strangers. 

“Finding the God boxes was like reading Mom’s heart” -Mary Lou Quinlan

I absolutely loved this sweet story of a woman who took every worry and gratitude to God with a humble heart. Mary showed her children true faithfulness and compassion through this simple act of letting go to God. By giving the problem to God, Mary felt a peace of mind because she knew she was giving her problem to stronger hands. 

The release was more important than the resolution, and Mom was grateful no matter the outcome.” -Mary Lou Quinlan

After reading this book, I created my own God Box at home. Each night before my prayer, I remember the people I interacted with that day. I try to think of something to pray over for them, write it on a sticky note or receipt, and gently place it in my God Box. It’s also really cool to go back and read old prayer requests and see how God worked through those situations or answered prayers. 

I encourage you to pick up a copy of the God Box and make one of your own!

DIY: The God Box

There’s not a step by step process for this one, just grab The God Box book, a box, and whatever you’d like to write your prayer requests on. I got my box at Hobby Lobby, but you can use any box or basket that you like! I’d recommend keeping your God Box somewhere safe too (so away from water or pets). 

Fill it with prayers as they come. You can put more than one prayer a day; it’s up to you! This is a great exercise in letting go of your worries to God and resting in the fact that it is in His hands. 

If you create your own God Box, please take a picture and post it in the comments below!

**Also, I am looking for Podcasts to add to my Online Resources tab, so if you listen to a podcast related to faith/ friendships/ relationships please comment that below too! 

Petit à Petit,


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