Down The TBR Hole #1

I found out about this feature idea which is hosted by Lia at Imaginary Places on Paper, and I thought it was a brilliant idea because I have so many books which I’ve had just sitting on my shelves waiting to be read. It’s also a really good chance for me to talk about some books that I want to read, but haven’t read, since I don’t like talking about them unless I’ve done some research.

The artwork for this feature is also by the lovely Lia and it is just gorgeous as well. I love this idea, and hopefully it means I can cull my TBR to a more reasonable size, and also talk about books I wouldn’t normally talk about on my blog! So without further ado, here’s the first five books on my TBR that I’ll be discussing:

Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith by Shaun Hume

While this book sounds really intriguing, especially the fantasy world-building part of the story, I’m not really interested in reading any fantasy books at the moment (nor do I have the time), but I think that this will live up to the wonderful things I’ve read about it so far. The author actually reached out to me, and due to time restraints with everything going on, I really don’t have time to read this, but he’s pretty cool, too.

Verdict: KEEP

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Delliara

The thing I love most about this was the cover, and I’ve been eyeing this since it came out. My copy has been sitting on my shelf, and I’ve had numerous attempts at reading this book, but I’ve never been able to get into it. I still want to read it though, but it might be another while before I pick it up.

Verdict: KEEP

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

I love how complex the plot and world-building seems, but since I know it’s quite a dense book, I haven’t had the energy to sit down and just get stuck into the book. Despite this, I really do like the concept and idea of the book, so I guess it’s a keeper.

Verdict: KEEP

The Maze Runner by James Patterson

I put this on my TBR when the movie came out, and I’ve been meaning to read this so that I can watch the movie. Honestly, now that the movie hype is over, I don’t really see what is so good about this book, so I’ll probably just shelve it for another time.

Verdict: GO

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

This is a history fantasy that does sound really interesting, but to be honest it’s been on my TBR forever and I don’t think that I’ll get around to it because there are other books that I’ll prioritise over this.

Verdict: GO

So there’s the first five books of my TBR and my judgement on them! I’ve got so many more books on my TBR both on virtual and real shelves, so there’ll definitely more of these in the future!


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