Erak’s Ransom, by John Flanagan

On a mission to pay the ransom of a new ally, apprentice Will and his friends find themselves in a desert wasteland awash with enemies.

This book was just as good as all of the books in the series before it. I loved the characters so much. I might have a new fantasy crush. No, I am not too old enough for them. And the plot was very different then all of the other books’ plots. It was sort of suspenseful but not really. I really enjoyed it though. My one wish for these books is that they become more diverse. That could happen easily enough. Now, on with the review.

We moved back to being an apprentice Ranger. But John Flanagan explained why in a letter in the front of the book. I still would have liked this book and the two in front of it to be switched. But at least he explained it. 

The characters were interesting. I liked how some of the side characters became main characters. I have been saying that a lot haven’t I. I have also said this multiple times but I will say it again. All of the characters were very fleshed out. I loved that. I related a lot to some of the characters. If you can relate to a character then the character is probably well written. 

My favorite character was Selethen (I think that I spelled that right). He was smart and cared about his people. I like those kinds of leaders the most. I think that most people do. He was also really nice to the Rangers and Cassandra. He didn’t need to be that nice. Therefore, he is one of my fantasy crushes and maybe my favorite Ranger’s Apprentice character. 

The plot was very good. I loved reading about the desert adventure. It was different from anything else that I have ever read. Very different. Will and the rest of the group got separated so there were 2 different viewpoints. Until the end when they got reunited, because no one saw that coming. The plot was pretty obvious. You had a good guess at what was going to happen next. Sometimes you’re guess was right and sometimes it was wrong. You just didn’t know. But besides those minor issues the book was very good.

There was not much of a setting, to speak of, because most of the book they were in a desert. So the setting was described when they were not in the desert but when they were in the desert it was left up to your imagination. That wasn’t hard at all. It was a desert. Big deal. They probably all look the same, somewhat (please tell if I am wrong about this, I don’t live in a desert). The setting was very well written. 

I really enjoyed this book and I hope that you do as well. Please remember to fill out my survey. You can find the link on my about page. Thanks for Reading!!!! Have a Great Day!!!! -Annalee and Buttons

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