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In order to choose the right type of PPE, the different types of hazards in a workplace needs to be considered first. As a result, the assessment to which type of PPE are suitable to protect against the hazard and for the job to be can be made. There are a lot of things that are important to safety, the most important of which are mentioned below:

Hats or doo rags — Both are worn for the same purpose. While most hats protect both the head as well as the ears, A Doo rag is just a wrap that looks like a scarf and is wrapped around the head. In order to absorb sweat and resist sparks from the welding work, both the welding hat and doo rag is essential.

Safety glasses or goggles — If at the jobsite, one is exposed to flying debris, safety glasses are a must. They help to prevent any form of sparks, dust, or splashes. Earlier during 1950’s, safety glasses were thick and not very useful whereas today’s safety glasses are much more sophisticated. They are now made of polycarbonate which helps in making the glasses light-weight so that they are more impact resistant. These modern safety glasses helps to protect the eyes much better than the earlier versions. In fact, it is one of the most important PPE. Safety glasses have replaced goggles for quite many applications as the latter have a tendency to fog and also they are uncomfortable and cause difficulty to see through. With the advancement of the safety industry, safety glasses are of high quality now but most importantly, OSHA regulations often require their use to protect the employees from flying debris or caustic liquids on the job site.

Boots — They need to be primarily, fire retardant and have high tops as the boots will protect from sparks at the work place. They also need to be laced properly and the pant legs should be into the boots. These extra protections will keep one safe while welding.

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