Many people outside the localization of Dolly and Jarak often wonder if there are still any prostitutes there? This question is still happening everywhere.
Dolly and Jarak really become a living legend for the citizens of Surabaya city.
Life experiences say that life is an option. In prostitution not only the prostitutes who dominate the world’s nightlife.
Where there are prostitutes then gather a variety of criminal acts, gathered vagina lovers, gathered beer lovers, gathered gambling world.
So not only that criminals are also interested to gather into one.
Dolly and Distance became the night world for good people and criminals into one. The purpose and motivation can be different then there is social, economic, and increasing acts of crime among themselves.
During the life in the lokalisasi there is nothing at all going home robbers !!!!!
What often happens is pickpocketing, petty theft such as bicycles and motorcycles, fights to murder among visitors.
People at Dolly and Distance are not at all disturbed by their actions. The residents at Dolly and Distance never wanted to know the affairs of visitors who some were aimed at finding problems. Behind the problem is its purpose to seek reproach for evil.
It’s a historical fact of prostitution in Dolly and Jarak used to be.
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