Farworld: Water Keep


Even though, thirteen- year-old Marcus Kanenas is restrained to a wheelchair, he sees himself as a survivor and a dreamer. In fact, his favorite dream is of a world far  far away, a world where magic is as common as breathing, where animals tell horrible, corny jokes, and where trees beg people to pick their  delicious fruit. He even has a name for this place- Farworld. When Marcus magically travels to Farworld, he meets Kyja, a girl without magic in a world where spells, charms, and potions are everywhere, and Master Therapass, a master wizard who has kept a secret hidden for thirteen years, a secret that could change the fate of two worlds.

But the Dark Circle- a group seeking to control Farworld- has learned of Master Therapass’s secret and their influence and power are growing. Farworld’s only hope is for Marcus and Kyja to find the mythical Elementals: water, land, air, and fire , and convince them to open a drift between the Farworld and Earth. As Kyja and Marcus travel to Water Keep, they must face the worst the evil Dark Circle can throw at them; Summoners, who can command the living and the dead; Unmakers, invisible creatures that can destroy both body and soul by sucking out your magic and your life ; and dark mages known as Thrathkin S Bae. Along the way, Marcus and Kyja will discover the truth about their own heritage, the strength of their friendship, and the depths of their unique powers.


This book is a thrilling novel that has you gripping the edge of your seat at every turn. It is an extremely well-written book, that is easy to connect and has a sort of reality to it even though it set in a magical world. This book is the first of four, and I can confidently say that all of the books are amazing. I would give this book a 9.5 out of 10, because sometimes, I was extremely confused on what was even going on. All in all, this book is a must-read, and I hope you give it a chance

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