GIVEAWAY ~ Reservations by Kindle Alexander ~ Sarah A’s Review

Wildly successful entrepreneur, Thane Walker is stubbornly set in his ways. Adamantly resistant the shackles of commitment, he’s seen enough unhappy endings to learn the best way to play is by keeping his men on the payroll.

Levi Silva’s dream of graduating from one of the country’s top medical schools is in his grasp, until news from home changes everything. Now, he’s raising his two teenage brothers and trying to keep everyone’s head above water, emotionally and financially.

When Levi’s new job puts him in Thane’s path, their chemistry explodes, but their fear of being involved in relationships keeps them apart. Unfortunately, despite the intense desire drawing them together, neither man can move forward until they get past their own…Reservations.

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I’m always ecstatic when I know there is a new Kindle Alexander book coming out. M/M isn’t a typical genre for me but something in the way they approach their couples always pulls me in deeply. Reservations is the first book of theirs I didn’t connect with in that way. I hate that I didn’t love it, that I didn’t feel the raw emotion I usually feel when I read a Kindle Alexander book.

There were plenty of things I did love about Reservations. In particular, I found Levi to be a compelling character. He was the kind of broken and skittish that made my mama heart just want to hug him tightly and never let any harm come to him. Or his brothers. His motivations and reservations were painfully apparent and honorable.

My primary wish for this book would be the pacing be more even. Either things moved slower than molasses in winter (on the North Pole) or going at warp speed. The beginning of the book seemed largely unnecessary, I understand it was world building and setting the backstories of the characters, but the characters didn’t even meet until a fifth of the way through the book. By the time they did meet, I was bored, and that did not bode well for the rest of the book.

I did love Thane and Levi when they were together on page. They had lovely chemistry, and I felt they were two people who both needed the type of security the other could provide. I just wish they spent more time on page together. There was so much back and forth fighting the connection they both wanted in favor of the way they thought things should be it left little time for real relationship building.

Even the climax of the book fell flat for me. The catalyst used to force everyone out of their comfort zones and commit to the terrifying reality they wanted and needed one another for the rest of their lives felt forced and absurd.

Kindle Alexander is usually a no questions asked, read every new release author for me, this book just didn’t hit the mark. I hope they get their mojo back for the next book, as I’m sure this was a fluke, I’m really excited to see what they have in store for Julian.

Best Selling Author Kindle Alexander is an innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica in both the male/male and male/female genres. It’s always a surprise to see what’s coming next!

I live in the suburbs of Dallas where it’s true, the only thing bigger than an over active imagination, may be women’s hair!

Usually, I try for funny. Humor is a major part of my life – I love to laugh, and it seems to be the thing I do in most situations – regardless of the situation, but jokes are a tricky deal… I don’t want to offend anyone and jokes tend to offend. So instead I’m going to tell you about Kindle.

I tragically lost my sixteen-year-old daughter to a drunk driver. She had just been at home, it was early in the night and I heard the accident happen. I’ll never forget that moment. The sirens were immediate and something inside me just knew. I left my house, drove straight to the accident on nothing more than instinct. I got to be there when my little girl died – weirdly, I consider that a true gift from above. She didn’t have to be alone.

That time in my life was terrible. It’s everything you think it would be times about a billion. I love that kid. I loved being her mother and I loved watching her grow into this incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out. She was such a gift to me. To have it all ripped away so suddenly broke me.

Her name was Kindle. Honest to goodness – it was her name and she died a few weeks before Amazon released their brand new Kindle ereader. She had no idea it was coming out and she would have finally gotten her name on something! Try finding a ruler with the name Kindle on it.. It never happened.

Through the course of that crippling event, I was lucky enough to begin to write with a dear friend in the fan fiction world of Facebook. She got me through those dark days with her unwavering support and friendship. There wasn’t a time she wasn’t there for me. Sometimes together and sometimes by myself, we built a world where Kindle lives and stands for peace, love, and harmony. It’s its own kind of support group. I know without question I wouldn’t be here today without her.

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