God and Right are on Our Side

Battle Orders

William’s orders for his forces suggest that he has planned to open the battle with volleys of arrows from his archers in the front rank to weaken the Saxon army.

The infantry will then engage in close combat to create openings in the Saxon lines which could be exploited by a cavalry charge.

The Saxon lines would be broken and the cavalry would be free to pursue the fleeing soldiers.

It was a tried a tested plan that had worked in France.

It will exploit the lack of English archers and cavalry, but at Senlac they will be fighting up hill and if the English line holds firm on the ridge the outcome cannot not be forecast.

Any doubt in Norman minds are assuaged by exhortations from Duke William and Bishop Odo that God and Right are on their side and that Norman discipline will prevail.


This issue of The Saxon Times is included in the 1066 Saxon Times Resource book:


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