Goddess Test Trilogy by Aimee Carter

Goodreads Summary:

Every girl who had taken the test has died.

Now it’s Kate’s turn.

It’s always been just Kate and her mom – and her mother is dying. Her last wish? To move back to her childhood home. So Kate’s going to start at a new school with no friends, no other family and the fear that her mother won’t live past the fall.

Then she meets Henry. Dark. Tortured. And mesmerizing. He claims to be Hades, god of the Underworld – and if she accepts his bargain, he’ll keep her mother alive while Kate tries to pass seven tests.

Kate is sure he’s crazy – until she sees him bring a girl back from the dead. Now saving her mother seems crazily possible. If she succeeds, she’ll become Henry’s future bride and a goddess.

If she fails…

My Review: I know it has been forever since I have written a blog post and I have been going through some serious withdrawals but you all would be shocked at how long it has been since I’ve had time to read a new book, let alone blog about it! But it is so good to be back!

This trilogy started out amazing! The first book was so much fun and even though there were some really sad and emotional parts, it was worth trying not to cry to get to the good parts! I love any good book with some greek mythology and this book did not disappoint.

The main character, I loved her except for her martyr complex which every female main character nowadays seems to have. Besides that though, she is super fun and I love her, at some points I wish I was her! Henry was a major heart-throb, totally swoon-worthy and I definitely fell in love with him and went through some emotional rollercoasters with Kate. The author definitely did a great job at influencing my emotions of love and jealousy. Powerful men, especially Gods, are the ultimate book boyfriends and I of course pictured him as some big attractive, well, God-like man.

Ava was a really fun character and everyone needs a friend like her. Even though sometimes Kate didn’t believe in her, I always did. The rest of the council of Gods were kind of background characters but it was still fun reading about all of them and trying to figure out which Gods they were.

Book one was definitely my favorite of the three, but the rest were still great. I think a lot of the time I like the first book the best because you’re excited to figure out if the girl is going to pass the tests and fall in love and after the first book things get a lot more dramatic and somehow the loved ones always get separated which is always so frustrating!

The second book had a much more dramatic plot line which kept me hooked and the end had a ridiculous cliffhanger that made me so glad I didn’t have to wait for book three. I always love a big dramatic battle that could save or destroy the whole world, but there were some parts about book three that made it less good than the rest. The fact that the Gods could now speak telepathically would not have been weird if that was something that was introduced in the first book, but it was brought up in the last book which just made it off-putting. Other than that though, the series was fantastic and I would definitely recommend it to people who like Greek mythology and great God book boyfriends.

You can get the first book here.

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