Grace and Gratitude

Sharon Gannon in the trees at Wild Woodstock Forest Sanctuary – Photo by Val Shaff

One of my earliest yoga teachers – Sharon Gannon – performing a dance (in the video below) at Jivamukti Yoga School on 9th Street and 2nd Avenue.

She writes: “Here I am performing the asana dance “Lily” at the Jivamukti Yoga school at 2nd Ave and 9th street–We would put on a party with a “talent” show twice a year that would include poetry, music, storytelling and dance. I am not sure of the date of this one–I would guess maybe 1991 –If any one knows let me know.”

I had been to some of the parties back then – I sang a few songs with my partner and bandmate Francis Sappho at Jivamukti once or twice. I loved that time – the energy was light and playful and magically creative.

Sharon’s dance:

I am grateful for my teachers, then and now. Yoga helped save my life – if it weren’t for Sharon Gannon and David Life I’m not sure I would have weathered my very tumultuous young life so well.

It’s been a long, slow journey. I’m only beginning to figure out what I am capable of.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Om peace, peace, peace.


Holly (VaniDevi)

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  • Category: 1990s, beauty, dance, spirituality, women, writing, yoga
  • Tag: david life, francis sappho, jivamukti, sharon gannon
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