Saints and Sinners Festival Fun, Fun and More Fun!

I served on a panel with other authors Rich Barnett, Martin Hyatt, Martin Pousson and moderator Jeff Mann. The topic was Home is Where the Art Is: Or is It?  So fascinating to hear everyone’s stories about the impact our beginnings have had on our writing…from Appalachian mountain man to Louisiana Bayou boys, from Voodoo practicing to Pentecostal preachers, from families and extended families who couldn’t understand us –  we escaped to places away from home like San Francisco, New York City, Rehoboth, Delaware; Columbia, South Carolina. The journeys became the impetus for our words.

I had an opportunity to read an excerpt from my short story that is included in the Saints and Sinners Anthology for 2017. It was really fun! Pretty and my other two Peeps who made the trip from South Carolina were the best support anyone could have had…really made it much easier to read when I saw them beaming in the audience.

Beignets anyone??

You bet!

Peep Posse in New Orleans

Our good Columbia friends Nekki and Francie met us in NOLA and we have been women on a roll in the Big Easy. Francie and I watched the Gamecock men bust everyone’s brackets this afternoon from a perch at the Boomtown Casino while Pretty and Nekki took a historical tour of the city where they saw a poster for a Chris Rock concert tonight. Enough said.

So, if you’re looking for us tonight, go to the Saenger Theater and get ready to throw down with Chris!

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