How I Met Your Mother – Season One (Notes)

S01E01 – Pilot

Humour Rating: 8.7/10, few lines that just make my day accompanied by lines that will end up becoming catchphrases later.

Drama Level: 7.5/10, fair curve balls that accentuate a very well thought out plot.

Standout Scene: Ted and Robin’s talk on the street about how it sucks that you can’t tell people you just met that you love them.

Overall Story Impact: Very High. This episode set the bar for this show and ages very well. The characters are really well developed along with a tight story that sets up a perfect beginning. (10)

Overall Score: 8.47

Notes: I love how early on you can get an impression of Ted, Marshall and Barney’s characters. Ted noticing Robin for the first time and talking to her, it really does come across really natural. The first theory appears! “The Olive Theory”. Blatant “I love you” and Marshall’s little speech about commitment hammer home what this series is really about. Coupled with Ted’s speech later about why shouldn’t someone say you love them the first time you meet.

S01E02 – Purple Giraffe

Humour Rating: 10, I love the dialogue and the situation. I still belly laugh while watching this episode after around 6 times now.

Drama Level: 8.3, The set-up is good and it also tinges on sadness a tad.

Standout Scene: When Marshall finally loses it at Ted.

Overall Story Impact: Very High. This episode sets up the arc that will follow Robin throughout the series and can be one of the references as to why the ending works. If we didn’t have this episode, both Ted and Robin’s relationship, as well as their characters would no longer be the same because of it. (9.1)

Overall Score: 9.13

Notes: Ted’s idea of casual makes me laugh so much because it is every teenager who tried to ask a girl out. “The most casual stalker ever”. Lily makes me laugh a lot in this episode, but that’s just because she’s being Allison Hannigan. I wish I could throw a party that successful. Ted running through his idea for Robin showing up just has me in tears with laughter as does Barney’s addition. Marshall eating dip is my spirit animal. 80’s music references! And here is the perfect use of metaphors that HIMYM uses so well. You need to keep playing the game to win the prize. And this set’s up Robin’s character arc all the way at the start. It explains slightly the ending.

S01E03 – The Sweet Taste of Liberty

Humour Rating: 5/10 While there are a couple of good throwaway lines in this, there just isn’t enough punch in this for the episode to connect.

Drama Level: 4,3/10 The drama in this is basically set by Marshall being punched which is just off and Ted and Barney being detained which just is humorous. Not very hard hitting.

Standout Scene: “We are international businessmen!”

Overall Story Impact: Slightly Less Impactful. All the story really serves as a reminder of Barney’s nature and a reminder of this event later in the finale which really serves nothing. (3.8)

Overall Score: 4.37

Notes: One thing I don’t like about series 1 is the constant recap every episode. Plus the kids acting is a little wooden. I find it funny the sheer amount of situations Ted gets into because of Barney. This episode just doesn’t feel very… Fluid. Why is the musical interlude so cringe? Marshall is my favourite part of this episode and that is saying something considering he has the least to do. Robin’s rejection is perfect. Lily and Marshall are the basis of my relationship. Lily just… I don’t like her character development. If she’s in a happy relationship why is she so… Needy for others attention.” I never got where I wanted to go, but getting there was always fun”

S01E04 – Return of the Shirt

Humour Rating: 7.1/10, definitely a lot of chuckle moments in here, all jokes hit their intended target.

Drama Level: 6.4/10 Some drama, definitely keeping the tension up a little after last. Few curveballs in there too.

Standout Scene: Running through all of Ted’s ex-girlfriends only for Barney to reject their friendship.

Overall Story Impact: Slightly Less Impact. Definitely better than the last episode though. While it doesn’t add much, it has a core. And also metaphors which I do love. (4)

Overall Score: 5.83

Notes: And the return of the metaphors! I actually do like the shirt. The run through of all of Ted’s former girlfriends is just hilarious. I feel bad for Ted. Always down on his luck in relationships. I like how in the background that Robin and Barney’s subplot is. It just gets even worse for Ted every time. Is Krav Maga a real thing? “A cliché is a comfort” I found out that Krav Maga is a real thing.

S01E05 – Okay Awesome

Humour Rating: 9.1/10, there are some amazing lines and it is just so fluid and stays funny throughout. I absolutely love Ted and Lily’s dialogue in this episode and Jayma Mays is fabulous.

Drama Level: 5.4/10, not a lot of drama in this episode but it’s meant to be fun so I can pass it.

Standout Scene: Marshall’s Dancing Spotlight just brings this episode home for me.

Overall Story Impact: Average to Strong Impact, While this doesn’t have much impact on the story, this is an episode of HIMYM that really just shows you how good the show can be when it just oddballs it’s way through a funny situation. (6.9)

Overall Score: 7.13

Notes: I actually am on a strong laugh for this one. I how this is set out so far. I really am chuckling quite a lot in this. Barney vs Lily is always fun and I really want to have a wine tasting party. I’m actually laughing decently that it makes it’s up for the last two episodes. Why do they nail what clubbing is like? Marshall’s dancing is my dancing. And I have to say it, Jayma Mays really makes me love this episode! “You can’t go backwards, you can only go forwards.” “Wrong, you can go anywhere you want”

S01E06 – The Slutty Pumpkin

Humour Rating: 8.9/10, consistently funny with metaphors and one-liner. Most of the humour comes from Barney this episode.

Drama Level: 9.5/10, a good bit of drama but mostly suspense. It definitely hits my emotions with Ted and Robin’s chat outside.

Standout Scene: “But it seems as nice a spot as any to just… you know, sit and wait.”

Overall Story Impact: Very High. This sets up not only the characters but the plot of the series going forward. Ted’s philosophies on life are here very much open to bare. (10)

Overall Score: 9.47

Notes: I love the set-up for this. It just the premise and how they do this just feels right. I love this episode as it just set-up for later on. I really wish that the UK was this enthusiastic about Halloween. Everything these characters do, it just sits with them really well. I really want to start an acapella group. Marshall’s dad jokes are brilliant. And I’m trying not to be jealous of their food. I feel bad for Mike. I’ve seen a few relationships like this and it’s kind of sad. I love how it set’s up Barney and Robin’s relationship just from their individual actions in this. Robin and Ted just have a sort of kinship that scarily reminds me of something in my life.

S01E07 – Matchmaker

Humour Rating: 8/10, absolutely love a lot of this episode. It kept me chuckling all throughout, especially the cockamouse.

Drama Level: 7.8/10, they keep a bit of an edge on this episode both for the cockamouse war and the possibility of Ted finding the mother.

Standout Scene: Ted’s blind optimism in the face of the unknown.

Overall Story Impact: Strong Impact. This set’s up a little more of the hilarious lore that this show created and also set’s up an important arc for Ted’s character. We learn a little more about Ted this episode and why he is the way he is. (7.5)

Overall Score: 7.77

Notes: Ted’s kids desperately trying to escape. What I love about this is the lore! And the life lesson as well.”Some things can’t be explained, and that’s quite scary” THE COCKAMOUSE! Barney trying to act like he wants to be in a couple is hilarious. Do we really only have 8 chances? Sticking up for the Loch Ness monster makes me happy. “The universe is mysterious and awesome” “When you fall in love an 8.5 becomes a 10. I love Ted’s optimism in the face of sadness. “I don’t know, but I believe”

S01E08 – The Duel

Humour Rating: 8.1/10, consistently funny, I just love how entertaining Marshall and Ted are as friends. Also, Barney is a standout for this series, even before the changes made later on. “She never even saw the bus” made me laugh way more than I should.

Drama Level: 8/10, This is really the first time I felt like I didn’t know what was going to happen. I can see this being like real life and it just really hits home some important themes.

Standout Scene: Barney managing to keep his composure during Robin’s phone call.

Overall Story Impact: Average, This is not an important episode for either characters or the long-running narrative but it has an impact on how they are with each other. This has a lot of heart and while not very historical, very much a part of the backbone. (5)

Overall Score: 7.03

Notes: I love Shocky. I actually forgot about Lily’s apartment. I want to eat Chinese food right now. I am laughing so much at this bar scene. I love the dynamics between Ted, Robin and Barney. “Why is the coffee great!” The Lemon Law, 5mins to decide whether or not you want to be on the date or not. If you don’t before the 5mins or not then no hard feelings. Robin trying to be optimistic is just funny. Sword fight! When Ted and Marshall be the kids we wish we were right now.

S01E09 – Belly Full of Turkey

Humour Rating: 7.5/10 Some really funny moments but I’ve marked down because it occasionally undercuts the drama. I love the innocent stupidity of St. Cloud.

Drama Level: 8.2/10 It’s really Lily and Marshall who make the majority of the drama this week. It was quite high as family tension and children are a real thing that many people have to face. I did mark down as the humour would undercut this at times.

Standout Scene: Ted throwing Portobello Mushrooms at the Homeless

Overall Story Impact: High, this marks out Marshall’s family and Lily’s reluctance to settle and this is really important for later on. The ramifications aren’t here quite yet but the set-up is still important to this. (8.3)

Overall Score: 8

Notes: Kwanzapolitini! I love Marshall’s enthusiasm for his family and Lily’s complete lack of it. “Your cops are called Mounties” I really want to visit St. Cloud one day. I also want to play Bask-Ice-Ball. I love how Barney really does like helping people. Seven layer salad does sound really unhealthy. Is Soul Boner a real thing? I forgot about Lily’s pregnancy scare but it’s hilarious. These people really do love milk haha. Lily is being really hurtful to being part of a family and Marshall does not have a backbone. Ted’s good deed is throwing mushrooms at homeless people. I love how okay Robin is with being in a strip club. I also love how at peace Lily and Marshall are with each other.

S01E10 – The Pineapple Incident

Humour Rating: 10/10. I love how funny and disconnected this episode is. There are so many jokes that I still quote and the random pineapple makes me laugh every time. All the characters are in top form and just show off their own hilariousness throughout.

Drama Level: 9.5/10. The disjointed account of trying to work out what happened really does add a lot of tension as does the last scene with Robin when we suspect they may be having a tough decision. The drama is kept on a really good par here.

Standout Scene: Damn It, Trudy! What about the Pineapple!

Overall Story Impact: Very High. This episode marks one of the highest points of this show. It shows off how brilliant the storytelling is, the cast is and how sadly funny and just outright weird this show can be. This will always be on the list of best episodes. (10)

Overall Score: 9.83

Notes: This is one of my favourite episodes of all time. I want to make my own Red Dragon. “I think my soul just threw up a little bit” Marshall just never wavers in his beliefs. Barney actually makes a fair point. Sometimes you just need to cut loose. I really want to eat pineapple now haha. It’s just so random and funny. Vomit Free since 93”! Josh Radnor is an expert at playing drunkenness. Barney never bluffs. Don’t worry Marshall, You are not the only curious about the pineapple. Huh, Karaoke means Empty Orchestra in Japanese. Trudy ran away, makes me sad cause she seemed cool.

S01E11 – The Limo

Humour Rating: 5.1/10 Decent laughs but a lot of the time felt hollow. Ranjit was my favourite part of this episode next to Barney’s sadness.

Drama Level: 6.8/10 The drama was here a quite a bit. I enjoyed that a lot but it wasn’t very fulfilling.

Standout Scene: Marshall’s grand return!

Overall Story Impact: Strong, set’s up next episodes events and continues the rest of the arc in a new and fresh way. It also gives a sneak preview of Barney’s seriousness later on. (7.4)

Overall Score: 6.43

Notes: New years sucks! Ted trying to be cool it’s quite funny. It reminds me of me a lot. I want a “GET PSYCHED MIX”! Also, the robot is so lame and Ranjit! I love Ranjit! I really want pigs on blankets now. Barney and Lily’s stubbornness pisses me off. At least the cuteness of Lily and Marshall makes up for it. Janice…I love it when they fix a plothole as it happens! The one time Barney is actually sad and they all make fun of it. I love how the limo roof is its own little area. Marshall is literally what I achieve to be. I love how Ted is just trying to make it all special but he’s happy to make himself left out if it makes them happy. “Even if it doesn’t have a happy ending, it’s still important”

S01E12 – The Wedding

Humour Rating: 6.5, some really funny lines out of Barney and Lily but nothing really gut overwhelmingly funny. It definitely carries a funny tone with the wedding and opposite sides of each story in this.

Drama Level: 7.3, high level of drama. Such as the wedding and the possibility of it not happening. Robin coming to the wedding and the tease of Victoria. There’s an undertone with Marshall and Lily.

Standout Scene: The reunion between Stuart and his new wife.

Overall Story Impact: Strong, Victoria and the veins of Marshall and Lily’s arguments showing again. Even if it’s just in a humorist way. This also really set’s up Robin’s interest in Ted still. This is like the eye of the storm where everything after this while becoming a whirlwind. (8.7)

Overall Score: 7.5

Notes: Ted’s face during the reveal that Robin is single. Barney just can’t English. I hate how faked the convo is with the dresses. Wedding stress is just too much. Don’t even know if I want to get married now haha. Weddings are absolute insanity. Little Barney is what I need in life. Marshall’s definitely a girl. I’m so happy there’s a MacLaren’s nearby me. Lily’s absolutely scary as hell. I want that again, that one day I can walk someone down the aisle and call them mine. I love the fact that Ted sacrifices his happiness again. Victoria!

S01E13 – Drumroll, Please

Humour Rating: 7.8, consistently funny and mostly from Lily and Marshall. A few good ones of Barney. Ted is funny with Victoria. I love this coupling from them, the cuteness just adds to the funniness.

Drama Level: 7.8, Victoria and Robin make most of the drama here. The suspense of Victoria and Robins revealed feelings make this feel more engaging and open.

Standout Scene: When Ted opens his eyes and Victoria has gone.

Overall Story Impact: High, This gave us our first alternative to the mother and Robin that could’ve worked. Victoria is a great character and it’s amazing when she comes along later. I loved this episode with the surprises it had in store for me. And it finally kicks the countdown to Robin’s feelings. (8.5)

Overall Score: 8.03

Notes: The problem is that moments pass and then reality kicks in. Barney being Barney is always a win, but then reality kicks in as it always does. I love Victoria! I would always choose the cake over everything. Ted is me. I am Ted. Have a nice time and then when it’s over, never see each other again. Keep a memory that will never be tarnished. The cake haunts me to Marshall. I want to hear “Crawl for it bitches!” at my wedding. Aw, I love Ted at a piano. Marshall is dying of frustration. I am a combination of Marshall and Ted and it hurts. It’s weird to see Robin upset but it makes sense story-wise. Robin looking out for Ted as always and I hate this unnecessary drama at the end. I want to try Vodka and Cranberry. She made the Cake! I love how it comes together always in this show, it makes it one of the best. Marshall has the best priorities. Michael Buble is always a win. Victoria and Ted should have been the permanent thing.

S01E14 – Zip, Zip, Zip

Humour Rating: 4.2. The only real humour came from Marshall and Lily/Barney and Robin. It just didn’t really come together very well. A lot of the time it felt more awkward than anything else.

Drama Level: 4.7, Not very dramatic at all, despite it trying to be. Only dramatic at all because of Barney.

Standout Scene: Barney and Robin playing Battleship.

Overall Story Impact: Very Low Impact. Not very Impactful at all and will be one of the ones you forget. I probably will forget it in a few episodes time. The only thing you could really say about it is that it sets up the inklings of Robin and Barney. (2.7)

Overall Score: 3.87

Notes: Awkward Burn! And another! I really want breakfast. Robin is such a good bro! Who Flosses though? SUIT UP! “The beauty of a moment is that its fleeing” is true, but it so awkward. I want Robin as Barney’s real bro. I really want to laser tag. Couples are weird. Victoria is so weird. Marshall and Lily are what I aspire to be. Hardcore Battleship sounds fun. Not even going to lie. Can’t wait for the first season to be over so I don’t have to listen to the terrible music interludes.

S01E15 – Game Night

Humour Rating: 5.4. Some really good bits but it feels like some of the things laughed at should have been taken more seriously which put me off.

Drama Level: 7, I was quite gripped by this episode. I love Barney’s background a lot and it paints a real picture. I do feel they missed a trip by not really letting Victoria react to Robin.

Standout Scene: Barney suits up for the first time.

Overall Story Impact: Strong. While it might not feel like it, this really makes you feel for Barney and that’s important. Barney’s character development changed this story. (8.5)

Overall Score: 6.97

Notes: Marshgammon sounds great. The rereturn. Why does barney see through it all? He just sees it straight. Okay, Marshgammon sounds less great. Maturity = Gumdrop Mountains. I swear Marshall is being weird and so is Robin. And Ted. Barney’s past is really depressing. The fact they find it funny is a bit harsh. Marshall’s story was terrible but so true. What happened to Victoria!? I need to know! Urgh, I hate Shannon. Suit Up! I genuinely love this transformation. Barney is a bit weird but I love him. He’s vulnerable as hell but he’s just so full of himself. Barney won game night.

S01E16 – Cupcake

Humour Rating: 6.8, I really like the humour in this. It’s not lol funny but it suits the situations. Especially with the parallels between the tailor and the bridesmaid’s shop.

Drama Level: 6.5, This is a quite dramatic episode. Filled with a lot of very realistic twists and questions.

Standout Scene: Robin finally opening up to Victoria.

Overall Story Impact: High, this is one of the final steps when it comes to Robin and Ted, also Victoria. It’s not quite important but it helps with understanding everything that unfolds in the next 5 episodes. (8.6)

Overall Score: 7.3

Notes: The best relationships are the ones that just come naturally” Barney has no trouble getting what he wants. Robin is really bitchy. “The best I can give you is a fake smile and dead eyes” just sums up my life. Barney just seems to ruin everything that’s nice. I don’t really like Robin in this episode. I get jealousy but it just seems really overreacted. But she in a way redeems herself. I wish I could see her in a wedding dress. Credit cards scare me. Sarcasm win! I love how they both decide that they decide to do something and then say the opposite of what they want. Marshall in a suit is me when I first got mine. This episode has way too many parallels to me and I hate it.

S01E17 – Life Among the Gorillas

Humour Rating: 5.8, decently funny with a lot of good Marshall lines. Also, I wish I could couple dance as well as Lily and Marshall do.

Drama Level: 5.5, decently dramatic what with Marshall’s dramatic shift and Ted’s dilemma.

Standout Scene: “Hey Ted, it’s Robin. You wanna come over?”

Overall Story Impact: High Impact, This is the ending of all the set-up for Robin and Victoria. And also the foreshadowing of Lily and Marshall’s troubles. (7.1)

Overall Score: 6.13

Notes: The Kid has become the Man. I love Victoria. I swear to god that I want cupcakes. I also want to have lots of motivational posters. Marshall is so me! And so is Ted… I think I am Tedshall. And to hammer the point home they flashback, like why do they screw with my emotions like this. This episode is just full of irony. And Barney is to the point as always and this definitely shows up later on which is strange. It’s so true, you run out of stuff to say so quickly. “Don’t just change your entire personality” Here is another Metaphor. Nice one Ape Marshall. “Package” just makes me laugh now. “It’s like I’m trying to save something that’s already gone.” Fucks sake, Robin.

S01E18 – Nothing Good Happens After 2.A.M

Humour Rating: 5.5, some pretty funny moments. Especially with Barney but the focus of the episode was on the drama and the humour just didn’t hold up to it as well.

Drama Level: 8.3, The drama is really high in here and the emotions are ramped up quite a lot. How Ted is and how he thinks is really clear and shows off just how dramatic it all really is.

Standout Scene: Ted and Victoria’s apparition in the bathroom.

Overall Story Impact: Very High, this shows off high stakes and finally pays for what seems like a long wait. And it is done amazingly. This sort of plot happens a lot but the show makes it fresh and makes it work fabulously. Ted and Robin are now in Limbo and we say goodbye (for now) to one of my favourites. (9.5)

Overall Score: 7.7

Notes: This is the first time I’ve ever seen a “previously” on anything other than the big bang theory. “Nothing good happens after 2am. Just got home and go to sleep” I absolutely love this song. Robin is basically a dog lady. Oh my god I want a tiny 5. They look adorable. There are a lot of times I sympathise with Robin. It’s never fun dealing with things by yourself. And then to be as vulnerable as that. “The decisions you make after 2am are bad decisions.” Ted is insane. I love how Victoria is Ted’s subconscious. Ted just defying everything and going after her. Korean Elvis… I need a Korean Elvis in my life. I get Ted and I love him to pieces but he’s an idiot. “Just go home, Ted.” I am just yelling that at the screen. When the hug goes on too long I cry at this. NO! DONT KISS! YOU IDIOT! Her look of upset when he says don’t be in Germany.

S01E19 – Mary the Paralegal

Humour Rating: 4.7, decent jokes, not very consistent but not overly terrible.

Drama Level: 4.4, not extremely dramatic at all. Quite the opposite. It just doesn’t really hold at all.

Standout Scene: “I’m done trying”

Overall Story Impact: Very Low, does not contribute much to the story at all. Not very much impact in general. (1.9)

Overall Score: 3.67

Notes: “I’m going to miss Victoria” just made me laugh. I love it when people get “Lawyered” It is my new phrase. It’s so weird how 8 and 1. That’s the shortest phone conversation I have ever seen. And I guess that is Mary the Paralegal. Barney is the best friend anyone could have. I wish I had a friend like him so badly. Sandy Rivers is just the best as well. I wonder if Vampire Lou is a real thing. Cranky Lily is just… like normal Lily. I don’t like her. And I feel bad for what Ted did but the way Robin acts sometimes is just… I can’t.

S01E20 – Best Prom Ever

Humour Rating: 4.3, fewer jokes that really stuck with me this time around. I really just laughed at future references and Scooter if anything.

Drama Level: 7.4, this might look weird but just the fact that lily’s doubts are creeping in and the ending with her unsure face just really is setting up the tone for the rest of the season we have left.

Standout Scene: Lily finally setting up her CD player in college.

Overall Story Impact: Average. This is kind of important and also not very important. It shows us and finally sets the die for the rest of the season and reunites Ted and Robin. Lily’s doubts are here as well which doesn’t just set up this finale but another cliffhanger. (6.5)

Overall Score: 6.07

Notes: I love how often Van Smoot pops up before he actually appeared. Barney is a national treasure. I really hope that I get to see someone go mental over our wedding. I really like purple. I need a guys night out. “It’s go ho or go home” I wish I had gotten to go to a prom. I want flowers now. Please bedazzle me, Neil Patrick Harris. Scooter makes me laugh so much. I genuinely was shocked by the fact the 88 was in this. Ted is the king of bad jokes. The first “But, Uhm”! When Robin is the voice of reason. Ted is so smooth. Every Ted has a Robin. Barney is imparting the knowledge as always.

S01E21 – Milk

Humour Rating: 5.2, a decent comeback of humour. I loved Marshall and Barney’s feud with the other office guy. And Ted is pretty funny in this instance.

Drama Level: 6.8, most of this is provided by Lily’s uncertainty and also the ending montage.

Standout Scene: “So, Lily. Did you get milk?”

Overall Story Impact: Average, this is a mixed bag. Definitely lower than the last episode but it holds prominence. I would say it deserves in the middle treatment as it holds up the standard I really hold to the series in general. (5)

Overall Score: 5.67

Notes: Happy 28th Birthday! I love how they set up the goat years earlier. I love that pick-up line! Well done Barney! Of course, Ted has a list. Don’t plan the unplannable, let fate do it! Goddammit! I want pancakes. Barney’s feud is perfect. My dislike for Lily has flooded back. Original Xbox! Okay, Lily’s face irritates me. I just want her to shut up. Her whinging and ungratefulness piss me off. STOP TALKING LEAST FAVOURITE CHARACTER! Ted saying “Damn” whiningly was set-up way before the season nine. Robin is the best. “Not everyone is as much of a woman as you” The highlights really aren’t that bad. When you’re in love, an 8.7 is a 10.

S01E22 – Come On

Humour Rating: 7, This is a really funny episode. Especially Barney’s little comments throughout. The payoff when it rains just makes me laugh so much.

Drama Level: 8.4, Pause/Unpause really hits me here. It works so well and it keeps the tension up between the two of them so well. As well as seeing Marshall sitting down in the rain.

Standout Scene: When the Raindance finally works and Ted rushes off to see Robin.

Overall Story Impact: Very High. This episode sets up the rest of the series and changes the dynamics forever. Marshall becomes the person who he is meant to be and Ted and Robin finally are a thing. (9)

Overall Score: 8.13

Notes: “That wasn’t me, it was the universe” Marshall and Barney vs Ted and Lily. Okay, recap the series, Ted. Marshall really breaks the fourth wall. Just knock! A Lily and Marshall fight. Expected but it still feels really weird. Ted is either too smooth or just terrible. Ted, please just get them Pizza. Why is Ted so dramatic? Just like me. Sandy Rivers is really nice. These are too eerily scary. I love the “Pause/Unpause” rule. Ted is kind of crazy, but he’s also a hopeless romantic. Red Lobster can’t save everything. Penelope is only trying. Marshall is me, I really feel what he’s going through. It rained! Ted is crazy but I love him.

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