I came across this event set up by Martin P Foster on Facebook yesterday. It’s such a simple way of being able to donate a little to charity without noticing that you are spending any money. It would be wonderful if everybody could set this up in their workplace too.
Info below taken from the Facebook Event
This is the Penny Jar Project where you choose a denomination of coin, then each time you receive that value of coin in your change, be it a penny, two pence, five pence or more, you squirrel them away at the end of each day in a handy place, an empty jar or container.
Come the end of the month, just find a deserving homeless person, local charity or good cause and hand them your saved up funds…
Make a difference to a persons life, one penny at a time…
Please do invite others to this monthly project, the more people the merrier…
This is a Worldwide continuous event taking part in every Country with every currency, wherever people need a helping hand from a kind Soul…
Even if you don’t want to participate it would be lovely if you could give this a share please.
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