Hola everyone! I have some book news: My debut novella, Itzá will be available for pre-sale on September 1st via my Interstellar Bruja Bigcartel Page. Through my Bigcartel, I will make the most income which will be really helpful to me in the upcoming month (I am moving to El Paso, Texas!) Itzá will be available on Amazon September 15th.
Itzá is about a family of water witches. It is written as an intentional magic spell based on the narrative of the main character, Marisol. Marisol shares the mythology she has created around her Great-grandmother and Grandmother and the women in her life who saved her while she fought against the traumas of her childhood.
Itzá was a way for me to tell the story of sexual abuse I went through at the hands of an adult and I wanted to gift Marisol the magical ability to make the perpetrator of abuse disappear as she found more autonomy in her body. As she finds more and more of herself, he continues to turn into nothing, he turns into dust.
I will be sharing excerpts and more. Stay tuned.
Love and light,