Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Children’s literature, speculative fiction

Medium: Hardcover

Synopsis: Two children stumble upon a board game and it is much more than they bargained for.

Review: So, my getting into reading Jumanji went a little like this…

My professor: So, everybody’s basically read Jumanji, right?

Everyone else: Oh my god, yeah, duh, of course

Me, 5 seconds later: Yes…I too have read the…Jimanju……..

And so when I finally found the book, I read it.  No longer would be the only person in my class who hadn’t read Jumanji.  Victory was mine!  Though I have to admit, I think it would have been a much better read if I had read it as a child.

While I definitely found it stunning art-wise and intriguing plot-wise (I’d seen the movie Zathura as a kid, so I was glad to see how the two differed), it didn’t have that nostsalgia-feeling that I think everybody else had.  It didn’t wow me as much as Van Allsburg’s other books, which bummed me out.  But still, it was pretty dang good.  I’d definitely read it to some kids, and/or my baby cousins.  I’m so glad this is a staple for everybody as a picturebook though, even if my childhood didn’t include it!!

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