King of Thorns is Another Stinging Blow for Fantasy!

Well this was a show stopper make no mistake! Although I shouldn’t be surprised because this is what I’ve come to expect from a Mark Lawrence book! This book was absolutely chockablock with the non-stop excitement!

Jam packed with action, a great plot and character development, especially from Katherine, this was a wholly satisfying read. Also, while I’m on the subject of character, MORE JORG is always welcome in my life. And Lawrence doesn’t let up in his characterisation- I mean just look at this:

“Genealogy can work for me or I can cut down the family tree and make a battering ram”

How stonkingly good is that writing? How perfectly balanced is that double entendre? It’s a thing of beauty.

Like the first one, I thought it was excellently structured (which I somehow missed out in my review). I loved how it flicked between time periods and found the way the story folded in on itself. It was masterfully done.

And in terms of the construction of this book, I have to talk a moment about the world building. I’ve mentioned before how I love the ominously dystopic elements in this series- but the true magic and ingenuity is in the details like Fexler- no spoilers, but it’s awesome!

Rating: 4½/5 bananas


Have you read this series? Do you like it? Let me know in the comments!

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