Learning to be Me: Introduction

Who am I?

Answering who I am can be difficult. I can tell you about my accomplishments, my failures, my characteristics, or things I like. The fact of the matter is, I’m still learning who I am and that’s the point of this blog.

We’ll start with the fact that my name is Oriana and I am currently 20 years old. I was recently expelled from my university. My MBTI, Enneagram, and my social variant are ENFP 2w1 so/sx/sp. I’ll be sure to explain that later. I nanny, tutor, and babysit. I want to become a teacher and I am a Lutheran Christian. I have clinical depression, diagnosed PTSD and anxiety, and my therapist thinks I might have ADHD. These are facts about who I am, but do any of those really tell you anything about me?

I am a dreamer. I am a writer. I am a fierce and passionate lover. I am honest. I am kind. I have a fiery personality. I am optimistic. I believe that there is goodness in everyone, no matter how many times I have been shown the bad. I am a survivor. I am resilient. I am stubborn. I trust my heart before I trust my own logic, which can get me into sticky situations. I am a mess. Clumsy, disorganized, and forgetful are a few words to describe me as well.

I am a child, in an adult world, trying to keep up. I am someone with too much hope and passion for a world that does not share the same outlook for me.

I am learning every day. I am learning who I am and how to be that person as honestly as I can, every day.

My name is Oriana and I am just learning to be me.

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