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The Killing Storm (2010)

by Kathryn Casey(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 4
0312379528 (ISBN13: 9780312379520)
Minotaur Books
Sarah Armstrong
review 1: I really enjoyed this book. I knew it was the third book in the series but I read it without reading the first two and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. It could have easily been a stand alone novel. It was a great mystery novel that made even more tense by the impending hurricane threatening to derail the investigation. Kathryn Casey is a great writer and clearly a lot of research went into this book. I'm looking forward to more from this writer.
review 2: Sarah Armstrong is a Texas Ranger, one of only two female Rangers and an FBI trained profiler. While waiting for a Category 5 hurricane to blow into Galveston from the Gulf of Mexico, Sarah is called to the scene of a cattle mutilation. She comes to learn the symbol inscribed on the side
... more of the long-horn bull is African. Then she gets the call all law enforcement officers dread -- a child is missing from a park in Houston. Soon, these two crimes merge and Sarah knows she is on the hunt for a crazy serial killer who has already murdered two other children. The tension mounts as the hurricane moves ashore and Sarah must brave the elements to rescue the missing boy. If you like character-driven novels, this is a very good read. It is the third in the Sarah Armstrong series by Kathryn Casey. less
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Quick, easy read--was fun recognizing the places in and around Houston in the book.
Good book.perfect drama and true crime mysteries...
Good book. Read on my Kindle.
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