Life so far

My life so far is kind of strange right now. My depression is seeping through ever sector of my life. Affecting relationships in all aspects.

Not knowing where to turn and who to talk to but even though I’ve found someone to talk to. I don’t know where to start!

One minute I’m happy and life seems to have really picked up and it’s unreal how normal everything feels. Then I get that nagging feeling that everything is going to crumble and life is a mess.

I have a very very small circle nowadays because I’ve learnt people are not your friends no matter how kind you are or how much you do for a person. They are only looking out for themselves. And to be honest can you blame them in the world we live in today.

Where your conversations happen through a phone. We share memes to tell people how we’re feeling. We video or photograph everything we do but do we ever just stop look up from that screen and appreciate what we are really seeing. What life has given us. The chances we have lost because we where to busy looking down.

I feel like a hypocrite because I’m just as bad as everyone else. I’m not going to pretend I’m any better because I’m not. This is just merely a realisation of all the things I’ve missed as well.

But life isn’t always easy it’s not always sunshine and roses. But it’s how we look at things are we looking at things in a constantly negative way? Or do we flip that negativity and try and look at all the good things we have in life?

I’m trying to look at the good in my life, my little family my world everything around me. These things I never take for granted because these two are my morning, noon and night.

Thought for a Sunday.

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