Long Time Gone

The Boden clan thought their problems had ended with the death of a dangerous enemy, but have they truly uncovered the real plot to take their New Mexico ranch? Rancher Justin Boden is now in charge. He is normally an unshakable and rugged man, but with his brother, Cole, shot and in mortal danger, even a tough man faces doubts. And it doesn’t help that Angie DuPree, the assistant to the doctor trying to save Cole, is as distracting a woman as Justin ever laid eyes on.

With her and the doc’s timely skills, Cole looks to be on the mend, and Justin and the rest of the Bodens can turn their attention back to the dangers facing them. It’s clear now that everything that’s occurred is part of a much bigger plot that could date back to a decades-old secret. Can they uncover all the pieces before danger closes in on them, or is the threat to the ranch even bigger than any of the Bodens could imagine?

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.**

If there is one thing I love about Mary Connealy’s novels, it is that they are just so fun. Every line just carries a strong voice and with it, tones of humor and everything a person would love about Westerns.

Long Time Gone picks up right where No Way Up left off. The Boden family still does not know who is after their ranch, but a few more pieces are falling into place. And now, someone new has joined the family in their fight.

What I really enjoyed about this book is the plot. This series of books has a serious mystery at the backbone. It keeps me interested to know how everything will unfold. And while the characters aren’t necessarily the most well-rounded, they are fun and likeable. They also keep me on my toes.

All in all, this book is such a joy. It is a fast and easy read. But be sure to read this series in order. Long Time Gone is book two of the series and my guess is that it will be hard to follow without knowing what happened in No Way Up. I predict the same will hold true for the third book of this series once it is published.

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