Man slashed on East 14th Street

Community Grocery & Candy store on East 14th Street (Photo by Sabina Mollot)

By Sabina Mollot

Police are looking for a man who slashed another man on the cheek during a fight on East 14th Street west of First Avenue.

The two men had gotten into an argument inside a store that turned physical, police said, spilling out onto the street. At one point, one of the men took out a sharp object and slashed the 54-year-old victim. Police said both individuals are “known to the neighborhood,” though they don’t know the name of the suspect and haven’t arrested him.

The victim was taken to the hospital, where he was treated and released.

The suspect is described as Hispanic and about 6 ft. 2 inches tall and was wearing a long, leather coat.

Patch, which first reported on the incident, said the suspect ran off after the assault.
EVGrieve posted a photo of the police investigation outside the Community Grocery & Candy store, where an employee told a T&V reporter he didn’t have information about the incident.

However, someone who witnessed the assault said he tried unsuccessfully to diffuse the situation when the two men started arguing. “It was over nothing,” he said. “‘Did you say something to me?’ ‘No.’ They didn’t even know each other until yesterday.’”

The two men then left the store and continued to argue, which is when, the witness said, the assailant punched the victim in the face and then stabbed him in his jaw. The witness, who declined to give his name, added that he later saw the victim after he’d been treated at Beth Israel with glued stitches. “His jaw got swollen. When you try to eat it’s very painful,” he said.

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