Map – Temple of the Fates

It’s Monday and maps make me feel better about it.

I don’t remember how this idea came to mind. The last couple of days I’ve been thinking about the Fates. For those not familiar, they were three sister deities, that were pretty much incarnations of life and destiny. Each of them had a responsibility when it came to managing the thread of life. Clotho spins it, Lachesis would measure it to figure out someone’s length of life, and Atropos was the one that would cut it, when someone’s life came to an end. It is said that they control the fate of both mortals and gods.

So I decided to draw a small temple for them. Since they are minor deities, they don’t have separate temples, and are worshipped in the same place.


Click on the map for a larger version(Grid).


The entrance hall is big because it’s also used to accommodate visitors that decide to stay for a little bit. The side rooms are extra space that are either used for extra space, in case of many visitors, or just as storage areas.

The round hall is the area right before the room with the main altar. It is there for the acolytes and high priests to perform the initial rites and prepare everyone who has come to pay their respects to the Fates. In the left area you can find the living quarters of the three high priests(one dedicated to each of the Fates), and on the right is the living area for the acolytes as well as a couple of utility rooms

Click on the map for a larger version(No grid).

Right after that there’s the main altar, where most of the rites take place. However, there are smaller altars for each of the Fates, since they are deities and expect to be worshipped separately as well. These smaller altars also have a secret room each. Its location and how it can be accessed is only known to the high priest of each Fate. Eventually, a high priest takes an acolyte under their wing and prepares them to become the next high priest when they’re gone, so they pass that secret as well. These rooms are used pretty much as vaults. Items that are stored in there can be ritualistic implements made from precious metals, offerings, artifacts, or even books and scrolls that contain invaluable bits of information.

Cartography by Chris Karelis, also known as The Kind GM, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

For now, I’ll be releasing the maps under the above Creative Commons License, but this may change in the future.

I hope you will find this map useful. If you end up using this map please let me know how you used it. I may have had a temple in mind when I was drawing it but that doesn’t stop you from using it as something else. Also, any feedback would be really helpful.

And until next time, have fun!

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