Originally, I saw this tag swirling around the blogosphere and I wanted to do it so bad, I thought I’d just tackle it without having been tagged officially. But then, as if The Orang-utan Librarian read my mind and made it possible for me to do the Me in Book Characters Tag for an actual reason. It was only after that, that I realised I had no idea which characters to pick. In previous posts (Characters I Am Most Alike and Myself in Five Characters), I always ventured into the TV realm, so this required a lot of thinking (and also hoping I wouldn’t repeat myself! Let’s see what I’ve got!
RULESOkay, so I my entire review of The Upside of Unrequited was basically me explaining why I connected with Molly, but I’ll try to say it in short here. She is one of the characters that I don’t just connect on an emotional level with, but also on a physical level in part and that is something that happens like … once in a decade?
Elle is a really cool chick. She is geeky and very passionate about a certain franchise, so much so that she has a blog about it. I am not trying to say that one movie/book/TV show was the reason I started blogging, but that need to share what you hold dear in this world and to find like-minded people is something I can very much relate to.
This one might seem like a bit of a stretch, but hear me out! Clark is this nerdy, sort of awkward Fantasy writer and … that’s kinda what I see myself as?
Celia is a very kind woman, but she can also lose her temper. I’d consider myself nice and polite whenever I meet someone new, but beware when you try to make me your enemy, because I can rain hell on you. There’s a lot of bottled up anger in me.
In addition to that she loves reading so much that she’d rather stay home (where she has replaced furniture with books) and read than go out with friends and that’s definitely very me.
Klaus – A Series of Unfortunate EventsLastly, there is Klaus. He’s a bright young man and as I was growing up, people always seemed to tell me that I was very mature for my age and smart on top of that. I am not going to lie, I don’t just have all the good qualities of Klaus, though, I can also be a little know-it-all just like him. Nobody’s perfect!
That’s all from my part and I can only hope you enjoyed getting to know me better through these characters!
I TAG THEE**These are some of my latest followers and I am using this opportunity to get to know you better! However, if you’ve done the tag before or simply don’t want to do it, please don’t feel obliged!**
- Crystal @Paper Royalty
- Cassidy @Cassidy’s Bookshelf
- Robyn @Robyn Reads Books
- Nikki @Nikki’s Novel Niche