Mmmmm… Stir Fry!

My Whole30 is still going strong, though I am constantly finding myself instinctively reaching to finish things on B’s plate that she didn’t finish even if it is off plan. A quarter of a pb&j? A couple leftover noodles? Mommy garbage disposal to the rescue… but not. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, so it has almost seemed sacrilegious in some way to leave food uneaten, however now I realize how much extra food that has led me to consume even when I’m not actually hungry.

But I’m working on it. I’m working on it.

Last night I made a really awesome Stir-Fry with beef, broccoli, mushrooms, and green onions, based around a recipe from I heart umami. I added the mushrooms and green onions and they were great. B wouldn’t eat the mushrooms, but she devoured the rest of it. Score!

For my lunch I kept it as is, but for her, I divided it up to make it more sitter friendly. B sometimes prefers not to have her food all jumbled together, and why make things more difficult, right?

The Lunchies:

My Lunchie:

  • Beef and broccoli Stir-Fry
  • A tomato with salt
  • Baby carrots
  • Cut up apple and blueberries
  • A banana

B’s Lunchie:

  • Deconstructed beef and broccoli Stir-Fry
  • Plain noodles
  • Corn
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