Murder at the Brightwell 5 (Chapters 19 -21)


I forgot to add a few things on the last entry. First, Olive Henderson, the woman who allegedly had an affair with Rupert, tried to commit suicide. Olive confided in Amory briefly, implying that she was very miserable because she had lost her real love. Now Amory wonders if Olive tried to kill herself because of her misery at losing Rupert or if he did it out of guilt.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that the first night Milo spends in Amory’s room, she wakes up and doesn’t remember how she ended up in her own bed. So she remembers that Milo gave her some aspirins when she complained about a headache, and it is clear that someone replaced the aspirins she had with some sleeping pills. Why? Who would want her to fall asleep so deeply? Whoever replaced the aspirins can’t be sure Amory would take the pills. What was the aim of this? I have the hunch that Veronica Carter might have been the culprit, as Amory ran into her near her room, and Amory wondered why she was on a different floor to the one her room was on. If Veronica changed the pills, I wonder why she did that.

Now the plot gets thicker with another death. Amory is convinced that Mr Hamilton picked up the murder weapon, so she decides to break into his hotel room. After checking that the Harrisons are on their way to lunch, Amory tries his door, and she is surprised to find it unlocked. So she lets herself in and starts looking around the room. The problem is that she doesn’t know what she is looking for. Then she is startled to find Milo, standing at the door separating Mr Harrison’s room from Mrs Harrison’s. His intention had been the same as Amory, but he had simply used the key Mrs Harrison had given him for him to retrieve a shawl for her, but then he claimed he had lost it. As Milo and Amory confront each other, they panic when they hear the Harrisons outside.

Milo acts quickly, pushing Amory into the wardrobe, so they hide there and hear Mr Harrison in the room, whistling and moving around the room. Then they hear water running, which means that he is drawing a bath. When time passes and they can still hear the water running, Milo decides to take a risk and leave his hideout. A few minutes later he returns for Amory, and she is shocked to find Mr Harrison’s body submerged in the water overflowing the bathtub. The man is dead, and it is obvious that he has been killed. The couple leave the room, and Milo asks the receptionist to call the police. Amory is not too pleased to tell DI Jones the truth about what they were doing in the room, but there is no other way round it. DI Jones is not happy with Milo and Amory’s meddling in police matters. The detective also tells her that while her husband was being murdered, Mrs Hamilton was drugged. My, my! Is this new death linked to Rupert’s? I imagine so. I am curious to know the motive why these two men have been killed. The theory about this being a passionate crime doesn’t match now. I believe that the motive is money in some way. I don’t know who the killer is or their motive… I don’t even have a theory, so I am dying to know more.

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