My Grandfather’s Coat by Jim Aylesworth, illustrated by Barbara McClintock

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Children’s lit

Medium: Hardcover

Synopsis: This is a tale about a grandfather and his well-loved coat.  As the grandfather gets older and older, his coat transforms into smaller and smaller pieces of clothing.  It passes through seasons, years, even generations–until the same fabric finds itself in a tiny set of hands.

Review:  This book is so sweet on so many levels.  I love hearing about people’s most well-loved items, I love seeing books with dog ears and broken spines, I love seeing where sewing kits have done their jobs.  And, I love stories.  My Grandfather’s Coat combines all of those things.  With Aylesworth’s story and McClintock’s illustrations, this is the perfect book for a child.  Thanks to the illustrations, the story reads as though it’s your own well-loved memory.

This is definitely a picture book you should add to your TBR list.

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