My Indie Books TBR

The ever wonderful and ambitious Bex from NinjaBookBox has pledged that in 2018 the only books she’ll buy are from independent publishers. You can find more about her pledge and call for others to try and do the same, or at least think about what books and publishers they’re buying a bit more, here.

While this challenge is very admirable, I don’t think I’ll be buying 100% of my books from indie publishers, though I will make more of an effort to look at publishers when I do go browsing in a bookshop. This challenge has made me consider my own bookshelves and look to see what unread books (if any) I had that are from an independent publisher.

If I’m correct I have six unread books on my shelves that are from independent publishers – I found it both interesting and a bit difficult to figure out publishers, especially when a book I had was published by an imprint of a much larger publishing house. They are an eclectic mix of books, there’s non-fiction, translated fiction, YA and adult fiction.

– Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel (Chicken House)
– The Time in Between by Nancy Tucker (Icon Books)
– Sometimes a River Song by Avril Joy (Linen Press)
– World Mythology in Bite-Sized Chunks by Mark Daniels (Michael O’Mara Books)
– The Great and the Good by Michel Déon (Gallic Press)
– Vengeance is Mine, All Others Pay Cash by Eka Kurniawan (Pushkin Press)

I’m not going to pledge to buy X number of books from indie publishers, as I don’t buy books that regularly anyway and I want to get my physical TBR down quite a bit – though I say this every year, maybe 2018 will be the year I finally succeed in that! But I will say I want to read what indie books I have in 2018. Some of them, *cough*The Time in Between*cough* have been on my shelves for over two years!

If you’ve read any of the books above, please let me know what you think. And are publishers something you consider when buying books? To be honest, it’s never something I normally look at but I do think it’s a good idea to try and support independent publishers and new voices in the world of books.

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