HELLO! *waves*
SOOOO we’re gonna be a little of topic today but this is also a topic very close to my heart *holds up neon flashing sign* We’re talking about BROADWAY!
“But Broadway is lammmmeeee” you complain. Then I slap you in your face and tell you how wrong you are! I used to believe Broadway was lame and not for me (in middle school some girls ran around singing Newsies and omg I hated it) but a few years ago I learned the error of my ways and now I’m obsessed! For anyone uninterested in musical theater, it’s always good to know that there are MILLIONS of musicals all with their own style and themes. You might not be a fan of one style but could love another. (But if you try different type of musicals and still don’t enjoy it. Eh that’s cool too. At least you tried!) Today we’re here to talk about some of my favorite musicals which all fall under the style of “Rock musicals” something I didn’t even know existed until a few years ago.
And now without any further rambling… My top 3 favorite musicals (in no particular order… because I can’t choose…)
This was one of the first rock musicals that I fell in love with! It takes themes such as mental illness, grief, love, and loss and puts them into a beautiful musical that I could ramble for HOURS about! All of the songs are heartbreaking and perfect and the simplistic set along with the SIX PERSON CAST makes me love and respect the musical even more
WARNING: plot points include death, drugs, anxiety, depression, suicide. I totally understand if this keeps you from enjoying the musical, please don’t watch/listen if it’ll have a negative effect on your health!
Just Another Day: One of my favorite openings!
I Am the One/Reprise: Everything is just PERFECT! And the subtle changes in the reprise… *sobbing*
There’s a World: Beautiful out of context, crazy depressing in context
Wish I Were Here: Omg one of my favorites! Portrays the emotions SO WELL
Aftershocks: *sobbing in the distance*
Light: SUCH a great finale to a heartbreaking show (oh and the harmonies are PERFECTION)
OMG Words can’t describe how much I relate to this musical! I relate to all three mains for different reasons (Wendla for her cinnamon roll who doesn’t understand the world personality (that was me in middle school…), Moritz for his angst and anxiety (especially anxiety brought on by school and expectations), and Melchior I relate to the least but I understand his yearning to understand the world. I’m not self-righteous like he is (at least I don’t think I am) but I understand his wanting to understand. Spring Awakening 100% understands teen angst and displays it WITHOUT BEING CONDESCENDING! WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT IT WAS POSSIBLE! The characters are SO complex (the fact that Melchior’s character can do a complete 180 depending on HOW one plays him. You can play him as a complete unlikable and morally reprehensible asshole OR you could play him as someone with a bit of a god complex that is a product of his surrounding… It all depends on the actor) This isn’t even getting into the Deaf West production of this show that is my FAVORITE THING EVER! It is full of SO many layers and meaning that everyone should check it out.
WARNING: Plot points include death, depression, anxiety, suicide, and sexual abuse. The plot revolves around sex and there is brief nudity so don’t watch/listen if that makes you uncomfortable. I totally understand if this keeps you from enjoying the musical, please don’t watch/listen if it’ll have a negative effect on your health!