I feel like this is the first time in my life that I have ever actually witnessed winter. While snow is beautiful and perfectly pristine, it really holes you up in your house for a long period of time. And we’ve learnt from skunks, bees, snakes and groundhogs to not face the season without hoarding up heaps and heaps of food and books in your house. But unfortunately, this is my first snow and I am learning this lesson the hard way around. My road to the bookstores in Manhattan is cut off by the wintry chilly wind and harsh possibilities of frostbite. So I’m here to talk about the top 5 books I would love to be buying from a bookstore right now!
Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman –
The film has indeed arrived in New York but I want to read the book before I see it. I’ve come across passages from it on the internet and I’m absolutely fascinated. I already love the writing style and I cannot wait to read this book. The book is about an adolescent boy Elio who meets a handsome doctoral student Oliver and the story of a sudden and powerful romance between them. Here are some of the excerpts I read about
“Something bordering on nausea, something like remorse – was that it, then? – began to grip me and seemed to define itself ever more clearly the more I became aware of incipient daylight through our windows…I had known it would hurt. What I hadn’t expected was that the hurt would find itself coiled and twisted into sudden pangs of guilt.”
And here’s another one if I haven’t convinced you to throw caution into the wind and trot off to the nearest bookstore to buy this book –
“He was my secret conduit to myself – like a catalyst that allows us to become who we are, the foreign body, the pacer, the graft, the patch that sends all the right impulses, the steel pin that keeps a soldier’s bone together, the other man’s heart that makes us more us than we were before the transplant. The very thought of this suddenly made me want to drop everything I would do today and run to him.”
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas –
This has been a book I’ve wanted to read since a long time and it kind of pains me that I have not read this yet knowing that I am surely going to enjoy it. Dumas’s novels are shameless word-guzzlers, his story telling is maddeningly human and absolute genius and I know this because I’ve read and seen enacted so many parts of his books. I absolutely need to read this, if only, to correctly understand all the references.
When d’Artagnan goes to Paris to become a Musketeer, he embarks on a swashbuckling adventure with the legendary Porthos, Athos, and Aramis. If they wish to trump the nefarious Cardinal Richelieu, it’s got to be “all for one, one for all.”
Really, how can I not fall under the spell of this book?
Scythe by Neal Shusterman –
Thou shalt kill. This book is about a world where humanity has conquered death. No one can end life, except the Scythe’s who are trained to kill other humans. This particular tale opens with two different teenagers, sixteen-year olds Citra and Rowan, who are selected by Honorable Scythe Faraday, as his dual apprentices.Every Scythe must find his own way to glean, her own sense of justice and honor for those lives about to be ended. I’ve great things about this book and how complex and nuanced the world building is and how thought provoking a read it is. I’m not, in general, a big fan of YA books but I find the storyline fascinating and I hope to lay my hands on this book soon.
High Rising by Angela Thirkell –
The Virago Modern Classics book edition of this book is beautiful. I’ve been highly recommended this book and I have a feeling this is going to be an instant favourite. I’m also looking forward to picking up one of her other books Wild Strawberries, Pomfret Towers, The Brandons, August Folly. (Such lovely mouthful names and beautiful book covers!)
Evelyn Waugh is another author I’m looking to explore and I’m just going to cheat a little bit and sneak that in here. Can’t wait to read Vile Bodies and Brideshead Revisited (and need to get to the TV show after reading it). Sigh, so much to be read and so much to be seen!
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier –
I actually have this book on my shelf and it’s been sitting there since a while and I am sure I’m going to love this book once I actually get around to reading it, so come on! It’s drama, it’s romance, it’s fantastic writing, it’s a dash of horror, it’s literary fiction at it’s heights so it sounds like it’s right up my alley. I hope I pick this up sometime soon (it appears I correctly imply from this statement that my book picks are beyond my personal control and more of a subject in control of higher celestial powers).
Middlemarch by George Eliot –
I have read part one of this book and this book is the literal physical embodiment of everything that makes me love classics as much as I do. The character studies in this book are unmatched, there are lines in this book that took my breath away with moments of startling uncomfortable clarity into human nature. This book is full of elements that make up life and an unmatched genius.
So that’s it for today, folks and happy reading! Let me know if you have any suggestions of books to read or how you found any of the above mentioned books in the comments below.
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