New year, new project

For long time it has been a dream of mine to interview people. I have always loved meeting new people and talking to them, and ever since discovering the Humans of New York project when I was a teenager, I have wanted to turn these conversations into written profiles of the people that I meet.

Last year I had the opportunity to get advice from a journalist about how to conduct interviews, and during 2018 I will be putting this into action. This year, I aim to conduct at least one interview a week, which I will write up into a ‘word portrait’ and post on my new blog.

If you want to read more about this project, please visit my new blog – Wessex Word Portraits, where the first interview is already online; I interviewed a man called Alan who is homeless in Winchester.


Alan – the first interviewee for my new ‘Wessex Word Portraits’ project


That’s not all that I will be working on this year though. Last week I finished the first draft of my first book and this year I aim to finish writing the book completely – rewriting and editing until I have a finished novel. I’m currently in the process of applying to reduce my hours at work in order to give me more time to pursue writing.


My first draft of my first novel – over 250 pages of longhand!


Whatever you have planned, I hope the New Year will be a good one for you!

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