Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor – Review

Published: September 12, 2017

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

Series: Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2.5

Pages: 256 (Hardcover)

My Rating: 4.0/5.0

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


In Night of Cake & Puppets, Taylor brings to life a night only hinted at in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy — the magical first date of fan-favorites Zuzana and Mik. Told in alternating perspectives, it’s the perfect love story for fans of the series and new readers alike.

Petite though she may be, Zuzana is not known for timidity. Her best friend, Karou, calls her “rabid fairy,” her “voodoo eyes” are said to freeze blood, and even her older brother fears her wrath. But when it comes to the simple matter of talking to Mik, or “Violin Boy,” her courage deserts her. Now, enough is enough. Zuzana is determined to meet him, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan.

It’s a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik all over Prague on a cold winter’s night before finally leading him to the treasure: herself! Violin Boy’s not going to know what hit him.

Ever since reading Strange the Dreamer earlier this year, I’ve basically been on a Laini Taylor binge read. I devoured her Daughter of Smoke & Bone series, so obviously when a Zuzana and Mik novella showed up at my doorstep, I was ecstatic!

Night of Cake & Puppets is the story of the fated first introduction/date of Zuzana and Mik (who are positively adorable). It’s probably one of the most bizarrely cute first dates ever and I love that Laini decided to turn it into a novella, complete with illustrations because it was only ever vaguely mentioned in the main series. I’ll be honest, if this were about any characters other than our beloved rabid fairy and her blue-eyed violinist, I wouldn’t have liked it nearly so much.

There’s really not much more to say, other than if this story is basically a little winter time fairy tale. You may ask why I didn’t give it 5 stars if I liked it so much and my answer is that it just didn’t feel like a 5-star book to me. Can’t really explain it. I would definitely recommend it to those who have already read at least the first two Daughter of Smoke & Bone books, as this is sort of book 2.5 and contains some spoiler-y material.

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