
By Salina Yoon

Early this morning, my new baby cousin was born so today’s post is for her!

I first read Opposnakes before Salina came to visit my school. It is about different snakes – opposites – Opposnakes. Like straight snake and tangled snake.

It is a flap book. The first page is one type of snake and when you open the flap you see the opposite. It is a book for little kids but still really cool.

When Salina came to my school, she used this book to explain her process. She explained that you need to look beyond the words and look at the pictures. The pictures tell you more details. For example, cold snake looks like mountains and has a scarf. Hot snake is the color of scarf and has beach stuff.

This review is to tell you to look at your books differently. Maybe next time you read a picture book, don’t read the words but tell a story just using the pictures.

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