Review: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown

Hi guys,

fitting to my previous vacation to Rome in the last week of October, here is a review for a book that is set in Rome: Angels & Demons.

Book Information

Title: Angels & Demons
Author: Dan Brown
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Fiction
Type: Kindle
Pages: 736

Published: May 3rd 2005 (first published May 1st 2000)
Published by: Atria Books

Book 1 out of 5 (Robert Langdon Series)

Book series

Angels & Demons is the first book of the Robert Langdon series. I have believed for years, thanks to the movie adaptions, that The Da Vinci Code was the first book, but it’s not. After Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code follows as book number 2, being set in Paris. Book 3 is The Lost Symbol, which is set in Washington D.C.. Inferno marks book 4 and is set in Istanbul. Book 5, Origin, is set in Barcelona and just came out in the beginning of October.


Robert Langdon gets a mysterious phone call from a person who asks him to meet him about an important incident that has occurred recently. Langdon gets flown out to Genevra, Switzerland to meet the director of CERN at the company. There it is shown that a colleague of Maximilian Kohler, the director, has been brutally murdered and branded with a sign of the Illuminati. In sight of that, the murdered scientist has researched with his daughter for a connection between science and religion, which lead to a dangerous weapon being stolen and hidden in Vatican City.

My Opinion

First of all, I haven’t seen any Dan Brown movies but couldn’t help imagining the main character Robert Langdon as Tom Hanks. Thank you, movie promotions.

The book started off as being very interesting and exciting, me not quite knowing what was real about the Illuminati facts provided in the story. The exciting parts kept keeping up until the last part of the book, where everything started to tilt and it turned from kind-of-realistic-and-possible to how-unrealistic-is-this-nonesense?

Yep, I told one of my working colleagues a so called Illuminati fact because I read it in Dan Brown’s book and guess what – it turned out to be totally fake and made up. I have trust issues now, Mr.Brown.

True, that these “omg how unrealistic” thoughts happen when reading Stephen King for example, but Stephen King starts by far on a more unrealistic base and moves within a closed system of unrealistic-ness. Considering Dan Brown, he started off as a more realistic kind of novelist. Either stay realistic or don’t, but don’t move out of your closed system, that throws me off. But these thoughts of mine occurred at the last fourth of the book, so it was possible for me to enjoy the book most of the time.

I liked his writing style, which was rather light and easy to read. I was able to get excited for the plot (“omg they need to figure out everything faster, go!!!”) and was sympathetic towards the main characters, Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra. One of the main villains wasn’t very well fleshed out for me and seemed rather flat when it comes to the question for what reason he is doing what he’s doing. Which can be applied to the main characters as well, they felt a little flat.

Oh and it totally helped that I started reading Angels & Demons right after my Rome vacations, since all the places I’ve been to get mentioned.


I give Angels & Demons by Dan Brown 3 out of 5 stars, mainly because of the last fourth of the book and the rather flat characters. If you love a good crime/thriller/mystery story, this might be your next book to read.

xo Annina


| The picture is by Blattzirkus |

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