Review: Endsinger

Endsinger by Jay Kristoff

This review may contain spoilers if you haven’t read the first book in the series, Stormdancer, or the second book Kinslayer. 

Rating: 5 stars


I didn’t believe it was possible for this book series to become more epic but it did!

In this epic trilogy, Jay Kristof creates strong, determined characters who are willing to fight for their people, for their land and it’s ‘do or die’. There is no try in this book. Death itself is crawling out of hell in this book. (And if you’ve read this book you’ll understand what I mean by this).

The myths, the action, the writing…. it all just escalated into a whole other level. It’s the last stand, the last battle, the deciding battle. Tensions are high in this country, in this world – and it all gets resolved (or not) in this book. This is it. 

This is probably my favorite book in the series because it’s a culmination of the beautiful writing and epic battles, political plotting and amazing mythology and creatures.

I’ve never recommended a series so much. Seriously, GO READ THESE BOOKS! 

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