Reviews are coming!!

Hello Friends!

I know I have said this many times over the last couple of month but this cold and flu season is kicking my butt!  For the last week my nose had resembled Rudolph’s and I swear it was glowing. I haven’t been feeling super terrible, it’s just been one cold after another and each one manifesting differently.

That being said, I have been reading! There will be reviews forthcoming about The Night Circus, My Not So Perfect Life and Heartless!

Also, we’re quickly coming up on the release of A Court of Wings and Ruin and I wanted to remind you that I’ll be doing a giveaway on my Instagram (@loveabibliophile) for the Indigo Exclusive hard cover edition and some other goodies! It will be worth it and it will be international!

How has everyone else’s Spring been so far? What wonderful books have you read? Once I get through my rather large tbr pile, which includes titles like Love & Gelato, The Star Touched Queen, The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop and Café and Into a Dark, Dark Wood, I will be looking for recommendations!


xx J

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