Seven Years a Tessier

Seven years ago, I took a giddy leap forward – toward LIFE. Behind me was a life I had loved dearly, before me adventure! Philip, thank you for sharing life with me. Thank you for fighting with me. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for putting up with my moods. Thank you for seeing beauty in everything I am and do. Thank you for sharing adventure after adventure with me! I adore you on most days. And hate you on some days. And love you every day.

First balloon encounter! Sigh. My heart is soooo happy to be camping AND reading books with my girl. Passed out on Daddy. Checking out the Guadalupe with Daddy. Hanging with Mama. Cheek to cheek with Daddy. Daddy and Eden at Romes…our family hangout. Can anyone say gluten-free pizza? Advertisements Share this:
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