Sewing: sea crib quilt


Spent the morning and early afternoon making the top to a new crib quilt. It’s much of the same fabric that I used for the sea creatures quilt I made before Christmas, of course. Even the same blocks — I had hoped to produce an even larger quilt than I did, but the pattern I had imagined didn’t look quite as good as I’d hoped when I was just looking at fabric in the store. So, we have larger throw quilt for snuggling on the couch, and a smaller crib quilt for a lucky buyer.

Of course, now the challenge is to figure out what the backing fabric should be. Stuff from my existing stash of fabric? Something new from the store?

There’s also the internal critic, of course. Does the semi-random placement of blocks offend or delight? Does an infant really want or need sharp-toothed sharks on its baby quilt? Won’t the kid have nightmares or something? It is possible, but not always wise, to second-guess this thing endlessly.

So, don’t.

Make, and let the critique fall to others. Sometimes it will be the buyer Or the recipient of the gift. Sometimes it will be the window-shopper who turns out their nose up at it. Either way it is not your fault. The making is up to you. You have very little control over how your work is received in the heart of another.

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