Spells by Emily Gravett

I took Mr Toddler to the library yesterday to try and get back into somewhat of a routine after the end of year slump we always have. I got super excited when I spotted a new Emily Gravett book I hadn’t seen before. I love her books, the stories are fun, well-written and original, and the art is to die for.

Spells tells the story of a frog who tries to turn into a prince with the help of a spelling book. As usual, it is fun and clever. I really liked that some pages are split in the middle so you can move the two halves separately and play with the spells and the outcomes. It’s great when children can manipulate a book like that. The ending was quite funny too.

It’s not my favourite Gravett but I did enjoy it and we’ll read it a few more times before it goes back to the library.

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