Thanks Given

Thanks Given

by Lisa King | Wed. Nov. 22


Feathered blue sky, wisp over me

Strands of glittergold catch my eyelids

A clean contentment settles over this house

As leaf-dusty wind rattles the windowscreens.


Dog show parade, cinnamon, cardamom, clove,

Booze and herb hang in the kitchen like

A caravan on the move. The sounds of strange

Children in the distance carry with swing-set creak.


A pie is a sort of optimism; and wooden spoons

Of kitchen witches know exactly how to cast magick

Into meals long made. Generations gather, love, disagree-

Only to love again. We mark sadnesses and new life.


It’s a DNA gathering, a fable  with the best china.

Celebration of hearth and table, as land, beast, and vegetable

Fill our horns of plenty. We are not expected to work-

Commands the referee’s shrill whistle with yardage announced.


Pipe tobacco Uncles, sweet perfumed Grandmothers,

Wine-soaked teachers are they all. Chaos ensues;

It is ours to own. Crazy, we wonder, yet it all

Fits into place like a tender treasurebox.


We know we are existing on borrowed time.

Each year, the table is less full; we smile through bitter thoughts.

We pull close to the realm of the living- Present.

Take it all in, now, take it in child.


Book on deck, coffee in hand, we face the day in

New Pajamas, glittering twinklelights strung.

What will happen, when I am old and these bones

Surrounding me are long dust?


The Wheel will turn, and the Time of Giving

Thanks will continue to come.



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