That Sounds Fun

One of my favorite podcasts is one called Yhat Sounds Fun by Annie F. Downs. I honestly can’t remember how I found it initially, but I am thankful I did because Annie is an absolute joy.

So when she announced she would be doing a weekend called That Sounds Fun in Nashville, TN, I knew I had to go. My friend Katie agreed and so we bought tickets months in advance and waited patiently…or not so patiently in my case. 

Meanwhile, I had never been to Nashville for fun, so I found an Airbnb in East Nashville and started researching all the cool things to see and do. 

Finally- our trip arrived. We flew out to Nashvegas, picked up our rental car and we were off!

First stop, tacos. We are at Bajo Sexto Taco and had some yummy tacos. We just happened to be right next to Dairy Barn so we had to get soft serve. Duh!