The Cinderella Society

The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy

PLOT: When the Prom Queen becomes your fairy godmother…

Sixteen year old outsider, Jess Parker, gets the chance of a lifetime: an invitation to join a secret society of popular girls dedicated to defeating the mean girls of the world. The Cinderella Society guides all new recruits through its top secret ultimate life makeover. It’s all part of preparing them to face down the Wickeds and win. Determined not to let the Cindys down, Jess dives in with a passion. Finally, a chance to belong and show the world what she’s made of.

… be careful what you wish for.

Jess’s transformation wins her the heart of her dream crush and a shot at uber-popularity. Until the Wickeds–led by Jess’s arch enemy–begin targeting innocent girls in their war against the Cindys, and Jess discovers the real force behind her exclusive society. It’s a high stakes battle of good vs. evil, and the Cindys in power need Jess on special assignment. When the mission threatens to destroy her dream life come true, Jess is forced to choose between living a fairy tale and honoring the Sisterhood… and herself.

What’s a girl to do when the glass slipper fits, but she doesn’t want to wear it anymore?

** Quotes, Excerpts, etc.

“The Cinderella Society’s creed is simple but powerful: Celebrate your strength, embrace your future, and be extraordinary. Every Cindy, no matter what level, has the same creed. It’s what drives everything the Sisterhood is about.” – Sarah Jane

“Remember two things. First, beauty is no cookie-cutter. Second, there’s no such thing as perfect,” Gaby continued. “Focus on making the most of what you have and making peace with what you can’t change. It’s easier said than done –trust me, I know– but it’s essential to mastering this part of your Power Plan. Confidence equals power.”

** Annenonymous Notes: These are just a few of the lines that I love from the book, as it encourages girl empowerment. None of these excerpts, quotes or contents are of my own but of the author’s.

Should you wish to know about further details and reviews about the book please follow the link:

Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination and the journey. They are home. – Anna Quindlen

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