The Mark of Athena: review

Rate: ★★★★★

What a book! I honestly missed loving a book this much, finding my reading time as entertaining as it was with this little masterpiece.

I truly don’t think Rick Riordan could ever disappoint. This was the 8th book I’ve read written by him and, as usual, I am mesmerized.

This book, and therefore the whole series, captures everything I love in a good book: fast-paced plot, relatable and diverse characters, a lot of fantasy, an incredibly creative world-building, some drama mixed with humor and, the one that for me is the secret (not so secret) ingredient, a good use of mythology.


The seven are assembled, therefore, the prophecy is in motion. Saving a friend from the eminences of death, rescuing a statue that can change the course of action and learning to fully trust each other will be a challenge.

Positive aspects

First of all, my favorite thing about this book is that, finally in this series, it reunites all my favorite characters. While the first book focused on Leo, Jason and Piper and the second revolved around Percy, Hazel and Frank, this one reunited them all and focused on the most brilliant girl this series has to offer: Annabeth Chase. And every book becomes 100% better when Annabeth is in it.

Apart from that, everything else was very positive as well. The plot was incredible as always, packed with new myths, new gods and goddesses and new villains. The setting was simply breathtaking, taking us on a ride through Rome, the ancient city. The fantasy was on its high on this book. Also, did I mention that this book is the one where you discover Percabeth is probably the best ship ever written? Oh yes, that too.

And, last but not least, the plot twist at the end did it. I finished reading the last two chapters in a trance, I couldn’t believe it would end like this. Which made me even more excited to pick up the next book of the series as soon as possible.

Negative aspects

I guess it’s pretty obvious that I don’t have anything to add to this category. Maybe just give me more Leo and more Annabeth and all shall be fine.

“Behold!” Percy shouted. “The god’s chosen beverage. Tremble before the horror of Diet Coke!” 




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