The Reel World Christmas Podcast

Unconventional hosts Mike Thomas and Matt Waters chose two unconventional Christmas films to review for their unconventional podcast. How quirky.

From Matt we have Shane Black’s Kiss Kiss Bang Bang while Mike chose Todd Haynes’ Carol, both of which take place at but are not necessarily about Christmas. What do you want from us?

(Mike wrote an article about Carol two years ago that is now highly relevant and you should all go read it.)

And yes, Matt did fail in his task from Mike to assign the right Office clip to the intro, but would it even be The Reel World if you weren’t disappointed?

Also Jerome, Mike and Matt all wrote things about Star Wars The Last Jedi, in case you missed it. Read them please. Also listen to Mike & Matt’s review of the film.

Stay tuned to The Reel World in the coming weeks for:

– Brand new podcast series from Mike & Matt covering Blade and True Detective

– Kevin Ford presents podcast coverage of Lost.

– Ben & Matt’s Marvellous Journey – a weekly podcast chronicling the MCU from Iron Man to Infinity War

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