The Vex?

It’s an adorable name, but the Vex is a deeply complicated thing. A sentient form of life that came into being largely as a result of the world of Destiny being created. The Vex is likely a young species or an old one undergoing a massive shift in it’s understanding. I have my doubts that the Vex are intrinsically malicious, rather they are simply very pure. They clearly have some understanding of beauty, and also they appear to have so much control over reality that if they were malicious, it would have been too easy for them to simply disintegrate me and leave me for dead in their infinitely generating worlds.

Instead they roam somewhat mindlessly into bullets with giant shining targets flashing in the middle of their bodies. They could have just as easily designed themselves to be impervious to damage but instead choose to brandish their weak spots openly. It’s almost as though they are helping us to train our abilities. Perhaps the Vex and the traveler are one in the same? It’s not unlikely, so little is understood about the traveler anyway.

Not everyday you get to chill beside Jupiter ❤

What struck me particularly was their architecture which although gives the appearance of technology, seems more akin to crystals such as bismuth.

Instead of building these technological marvels in a physical realm they have built their infinite worlds within simulations.

A Vex simulation of the Travelers version of Mercury before the Vex transformed it in their image.

Also worthy of noting are their sculptures which you will find scattered throughout. They appear to be taking on a somewhat humanoid organic form with two arms holding onto what I can only assume is a machine representing a singular point of consciousness. This one is gold, does that signify something? I should keep note of where I see these statues specifically. Statues like this could also potentially signify an understanding of God or Godliness. Being superior to others. Perhaps they are testing just how superior they can be. This could potentially be the single most dangerous thing about the Vex for if they become too big or powerful they may accidentally destroy us all.

It is folly to think that all of this is just fun and games. The way we interact with these entities in this realm is highly indicative of how we would treat alien entities like this if they ever came to visit us. Who is to say that Destiny 2 itself isn’t simply a Vex simulation?

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