Right Place, Right Time

Have you ever been looking out at an incredible vista and completely had your breath taken away? Gazing out at how the sunlight would dance across that land and illuminate clouds of cotton that billowed agains the sky. Out of anything I could photograph, I love landscape photography the most. But as I have come to enjoy it more and more, the more difficult to seems to capture.

Why is this you may ask? Well for example, one morning I was drinking my coffee just before sunrise when I looked out my window and saw the whole sky was lit up with rippling clouds of orange and magenta set across a violet sky. I quickly ran to change my clothes and grab my camera. It couldn’t have taken me more than two minutes. When I went out to the third floor breezeway balcony of my apartment building, this was the view I found. The sun had moved too high in the sky to light up the clouds. I was too late.

When you look at some of the greatest landscape photographers, they spend hours, days, sometimes months to capture an image trying to get the lighting, time of day, weather and everything just right. And sometimes you still need just a little bit of luck on your side.

So I didn’t get my gorgeous sunrise shot that day. But the nice thing about sunrises is there will be one tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. This photo reminds me to not give up on getting the right shot, to go out and keep looking and searching for those images that just take your breath away. Someone told me once that failure is the best teacher. It pushes you to try again and again, and when you think you have arrived, there will be a new destination for you to reach. So keep reaching, keep trying. I know I will.

If you have a story of how you were not in the right place at the right time, I would like to hear about it. Drop a message in the comments.

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