The Young Elites by Marie Lu

The Young Elites by Marie Lu was a series that I have had on my TBR for a very long time. I knew I loved Marie,(  she’s so sweet & has a corgi!) but I had felt a little underwhelmed with the Legend series. This series was promoted with some of my favorite keywords like “dark”, “fantasy” and “antihero”. I finally got around to the series as a part of my teen book club, and I’m so glad I did.

First of all, I was surprised by the Italian influences, it’s not a common setting for YA novels and it was a nice change of pace. Adelina is the victim of a epidemic fever that takes place before the novel starts. Most of the adults are killed from the fever and while the children seem to survive, many are left permanently scarred (malfettos) and in some cases left with unique abilities ( a Young Elite).

Adelina was a  very compelling character and well developed. Her family life was tumultuous and complicated. Alena wanted love and acceptance from her cruel and abusive father who only wants Adelina to develop unique abilities for his gain. Her sister, Violetta is clearly preferred by their father because she kept her beauty even though she was also struck by the fever. This causes strain in their relationship, but ultimately their bond surpasses their father’s abuse.

Adelina finds her place among  The Young Elites inside The Dagger Society who fight against  a government that keeps them as second class citizens. Each member has a special ability and Adelina finds her newly honed ability irresistible. I loved that Adelina is so flawed and makes understandable mistakes, especially since her power is relatively new. There is a fair amount of action throughout the story but Lu leaves enough of a story arc to be continued in the trilogy. I’m interested in continuing the series and seeing how far Alena will go.

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