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Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter (2008)

by Vicki Courtney(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 1
0805446664 (ISBN13: 9780805446661)
B&H Books
review 1: I downloaded this thinking I could blog my story of hatereading this book with a toddler since, apparently, she and I must have these conversations. But this book is vile. Mean, almost spiteful in its commentary about culture/readers/young women, and somehow managing to be both prudish and vulgar. One gets the uncomfortable feeling that the author enjoys both her righteous indignation about all aspects of popular culture, from Britney Spears to MP3 players (which, for the record, you do not UPLOAD music to, you DOWNLOAD or perhaps even just LOAD it) - yet at the same time she almost relishes going into great detail to describe these things she finds objectionable (does anyone really wonder what F*** means? Do we really need that much detail on the specific type of bra the ... moreauthor feels mothers should buy for their adolescent daughters?!)This book is just as shallow as the media it claims to be against, vile in its descriptions, and sexist and demeaning to both mothers and young girls. I can't even hateread it with my toddler because it's so offensive and inappropriate.
review 2: I appreciate that these are important conversations that Christian mothers should have with their daughters, but I'm a little sad that the need for a book like this is so great. Having taught high school for a dozen years, I'm aware that even in loving Evangelical homes, girls are not being adequately prepared for the emotional mangler that awaits many of them them when they grow up. I'd add a sixth conversation to this list, though, since in her chapter on preparing a daughter for potential marriage, singleness is treated as an okay thing that happens before marriage rather than a potential godly alternative for glorifying the Lord. Other than one sentence reading something like "and not all girls get married, of course," this option is never explored. A shame, since many girls are taught to value romantic relationships almost above all else and often suffer a genuine crisis if marriage doesn't happen for them. (Full disclosure: I'm thirty-five, unmarried, and happily content thanks to the grace of God and parents who helped me to root my self-identity firmly in Christ.) less
Reviews (see all)
I think her message is good, but I just get too bored reading all those statistics.
Very good book if you have young daughters.
read the one for sons too....excellent!
1 available - DVDs only
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